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Fun With Marsh Chiropractic: St. Patrick's Day Facts
1. St. Patrick wasn?t Irish ? Despite being the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick was actually born in Britain around 385 AD. He was kidnapped by Irish pirates at the age of 16 and taken to Ireland as a slave before escaping and returning home.
2. The Color Green Wasn't Always Associated with St. Patrick?s Day ? Originally, blue was the color associated with St. Patrick?s Day. The switch to green likely comes from Ireland?s nickname, "The Emerald Isle," and the shamrock, which is green.
3. St. Patrick?s Day Parades Started in the U.S. ? The first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade actually took place in New York City in 1762, not in Ireland. Irish soldiers serving in the British Army held the parade to celebrate their heritage.
Quote of the Month: March 2025
?Spring is nature?s way of saying, ?Let?s party!" ? Robin Williams